Twenty-four percent of teenagers go online “almost constantly,” thanks in part to the prevalent use of smartphones, and 92 percent of teens are online daily, according to statistics from a 2015 Pew Research Center report.
It’s no question that electronics and teenagers often go hand in hand in this digital age and culture of instant accessibility. Twenty-four percent of teenagers go online “almost constantly,” thanks in part to the prevalent use of smartphones, and 92 percent of teens are online daily, according to statistics from a 2015 Pew Research Center report. We live in an age where checking social media sites can give us a “dopamine-induced loop” that can make us feel addicted to seeking more information, according to a Psychology Today report. Is it the shiny exteriors, or the opportunities that lie behind the password-protected lock screens that draw people in?
Sometimes, you can’t help but wonder if there is a situation where people choose to not use electronic devices to communicate or find instant answers. Why do we reach for our electronic devices? And what would we do without them?
I asked five students at Minneapolis Edison High School from different backgrounds those two questions. Most students admitted they would be more productive without their electronics, but they also say their devices make communication more convenient. These results are not necessarily surprising, considering how much time personal electronics can take from our daily lives—for both good and bad reasons—but you can’t blame teens for wanting to stay connected in this fast-paced world.