This story was produced during ThreeSixty Journalism’s 2020 Digital Media Arts Camp, in partnership with the Center for Prevention at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota and Padilla. Health equity was the theme, with a focus on racism as a public health issue.
Sitting down with Dr. Abdul Omari, who advises businesses on equity issues to create a better future for Minnesota’s youth of color, focused on a conversation we all wish to never have about racism. But with everything going on in the world, including the murder of George Floyd, it was a conversation that was impossible to skip over, especially talking with someone involved in the community like Omari.
We discussed how youth have stepped up and been a huge voice within the uprising. Since protests grew across the nation, many people have had clashes with law enforcement. Omari also shared how this will not only affect youth physically but mentally as well.
Not only are we fighting against racism but COVID-19 as well. Omari encourages people of color to take the virus seriously.
“You know we’re in the middle of a global pandemic that physically is impacting black and brown people at significantly higher numbers than white people,” Omari said.
We wrapped our conversation with how to create change and see positive outcomes. Everyone needs to be involved and be a partner.
Omari said, “I am excited, and I am energized by youth involvement.” And, he’s excited to see what comes next.
This year ThreeSixty journalism camp looked very different from the past.
I was used to my “camp routine,” from getting up in the morning picking out my outfit and driving to St Thomas campus listening to my fire playlist. In 2020 that all changed. Everything went virtual.
Going into the day one I was nervous because I couldn’t be face-to-face with my source and I feel you can bring the best out of person when you are face-to-face. But with the support of my mentor and ThreeSixty staff, by the end of the day I felt more than well prepared.
Staff and my mentors checked up on me throughout the day and helped with questions I had with anything. My mentor played a very big part in my project technology-wise.
He taught me so much in just a week. He helped me edit my video over Zoom, which is extremely hard. He gave me helpful tips for the interview and how to make your source come out with really good quotes. He made me feel comfortable enough to ask any questions I even felt he truly was as passionate about the story as I was.
Knowing that this camp was pretty different this year, my story came out great and gave me a lot of independent work time to see if I really enjoy journalism. Which I do!
I would do this ThreeSixty camp virtual all over again.