Lana Rubinstein, a junior at River Falls High School, is a 2013 graduate of ThreeSixty’s Intermediate Journalism Camp. A prolific poet, Lana stepped outside her writing comfort zone to contribute her first piece on how social media impacts real life interactions to ThreeSixty’s “Technology Issue.” Hometown: River Falls, Wis. Favorite author: J.K. Rowling Favorite Musician(s): Regina Spektor, Justin Bieber Favorite Movie(s): The Hunger Games Favorite places/things to do in the Twin Cities: Visit friends who live in the Cities that I don’t get to see very often. If you could interview anyone (living) who would it be? I would interview Sasha and Malia Obama, simply because I’ve always wondered what it would be like to have your father be the President of the United States. Also, Bo Obama, their Portuguese Water Dog was related to my (late) Portuguese Water Dog. What do you like about writing? I love the fact that when I write, it’s all about me. I don’t have to please anybody with my writing, I don’t have to follow specific rules (unless I have to for a school project). To me, it’s really interesting to see how different words work together to create an image that can make so many feel so many different ways. What issues are important to you? The legalization of gay marriage. I feel that all people should have a right to marry despite their sexual orientation. Also, bullying in schools. I really feel that much more can be done about this and that measures that can be taken are ignored because people don’t try hard enough to stop it. What is your ideal future career? I’m not sure exactly what I want to do yet, but my ideas are some form of writing, whether it’s poetry, literary writing or journalism. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? I would go to Paris, because I’ve always wanted to go there. It’s a beautiful place and there’s no shortage of things to do there. What are your special talents? I consider myself a very good poet. I love making words rhyme and I have a talent for knowing how to create images in people’s minds with just some simple words. What do you do when you’re not at school? I generally hang out with friends or can be found reading. I also have a job, so I work there a couple times a week. What else do you think people should know about you? I love to laugh and sometimes, when I get started, I take awhile to stop. I also really love reading.
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