Program Update

ThreeSixty Journalism, 2021
In one week, students attending News Reporter Academy write a story ready for publication centered on social justice issues. (ThreeSixty Journalism)

I started working for ThreeSixty Journalism in the middle of February 2021, uncertain if we were going to have classes online or in person. After College Essay Boot Camp, Radio Camp, News Reporter Academy and TV Camp, I can say most of our students are happy to be back to in-person programming. Getting to interact one on one with most of the students is a plus, especially if they are new to the program. I experienced firsthand that some of them were shy to say their name at first, but by the second day, they signed up for more camps.
I want all my students who took the program to understand we are here for them in the long run. We are not going to say goodbye after they finish summer camps. We’re here during the school year and beyond. If they need extra help with their college essay, or more time on their News Reporter Academy stories, we help them accomplish that.

Overall, we want to stay connected with each one of our students until they get their dream job, come back to volunteer for us and help us find more storytellers.

I think the future of the ThreeSixty Journalism program will see more BIPOC students wanting to be involved in telling news stories that matter to them.

I saw the power of each one of our students who took the program this year — that they didn’t realize their voice mattered and that getting to record their story, write it or capture it on video it is just the start. Enjoy the students’ stories in our fall magazine.