Time to Rethink Monarchy

Given the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, now is the time examine the relevance of the monarchy and whether it is necessary in today’s world. King Charles III can make sweeping changes and right the wrongs that occurred when Queen Elizabeth II was alive. 

The rules the royal family followed for centuries made sense back then. The world was focused on conquest and therefore many nations, such as Great Britain, put power before people. The world also needed more structure, which is what the monarchy offered. It gave people a sense of what they needed to do in life to be successful.  

Today, the monarchy is old, and it either needs to go or be vastly transformed, according to the LA Times. The rules of yesterday do not fit what is going on today in the world. Changing the monarchy is an opportunity to offer the world a fresh start while giving colonized countries a chance to be independent. 

Aliyah Baker
Aliyah Baker

Since Queen Elizabeth II became queen in the early 1950s, times have evolved. The world has become more open-minded about diversity and the importance of respecting others. Meghan Markle, for instance, would not have been able to marry a royal like Prince Harry in the 1950s. Not only is she a person of color, but she is also divorced and not from royal circles.  This alone shows how attitudes toward relationships have evolved. 

Colonization was also accepted hundreds of years ago, but it is not an acceptable practice today. The monarchy was, in many ways, responsible for the colonization in many parts of the world. Colonization has had a negative impact, especially in Africa and other continents. According to a Sept. 18 BBC article, the largest diamond ever found — the star of Africa — is now part of the British Royal Family’s Crown Jewels, and many have called for its return. Many African nations are also demanding an apology for the impact colonizers have had. 

The $476 million per year allocated to the monarchy could be put to better use. The tax dollars used to support royal travel, properties and other activities could be diverted to the community. The palaces and art collections the queen owned can be donated to museums.  

Transforming the monarchy could set a precedent that could do so much good for the world. We need societal structures that bring about inclusion, not separation – which the monarchy is often viewed as representing. The world will be looking to King Charles III and what he will do to advance modern-day thinking. We don’t know how the other parts of the world would react. If Great Britain does it should others? If King Charles changes the monarchy, how would he change it?

ThreeSixty Fall News Team students wrote op-ed stories, inspired by the #360YouthVoiceChallenge, which is inspired by youth.